Thank you very much for purchasing my theme. We've put a lot of hard work into it, and we hope you love it as much as we do. As far as the documentation is concerned, we have tried to cover as much as possible to help you get your new template up and running and to help you customise it.
If you have any questions or problems that aren't answered here, Create a ticket in our forum
or email us Email us
We love to hear your feedback - if you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements please get in touch. Nearly all of the time we follow your advice.
If you like our work, please rate it. If you’re about to rate it with less than 5 stars, please let us know the reason first and we will do our best to improve the theme. Thanks so much!
Since WordPress is constantly being updated information about how to install WordPress may become out of date, so you always can read official guide HERE
Below are all the useful links for WordPress information:
Once you've downloaded the installation file on ThemeForest, extract it and locate a file called You can install the theme by using one of two installation methods:
When you use first or second method, please make sure that you're uploading the file, not entire package you downloaded. If you upload the wrong file you will get an error stating “Error: missing style.css stylesheet.”
Once installation is complete, your Binzo theme will be ready to use. You should now see Binzo theme as active.
When you first install the theme you'll see a popup on your dashboard from the theme as visual you to install a number of plugins.
You must install and activate all plugins
Go to Appearance > Theme Options > Utility > Click Import Demo Settings Button
Install and Activate all required plugins and click to Install. The upload process can take up 5 minutes. So please, be patient and do not close the page.
I have created a folder labeled Demo Content which contains demo data.
You now just need to wait for the importer to finish. This might take a few minutes depending on your hosting server speed.
Ok, so far we have installed the theme, we have installed the plugins and imported the demo data, whats next?
The final step in getting your new theme setup and ready for you to edit as you wish is to setup your home page and menu. To begin, head to Settings > Reading, here you will need to set your Front Page.
The main theme settings are in Theme Options Panel
In Theme we use King Composer Page Builder
Before use it, please watch YouTube channel and Online documentation
For the form, we use the plugin Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7 is our recommended form plugin for WordPress. It is a simple but powerful form creator for WordPress. Here we will show you how to use Contact Form 7 to create and edit a basic form.
After Contact Form 7 is installed, you will find a new menu item in your WordPress admin area called Contact, here is where your forms and created and edited.
You can drug & drop widgets into the sidebars
Theme is ready for translation and included .pot file in binzo/lang/binzo.pot
You can translate theme with Poedit or install plugin Locotranslate